Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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# Title: Psion Games
# Games for the Psion.
# This Psion archive is maintained by lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk
Frac.tar 93/03/08 (10240) S3 FRAC.OPA - Hop-a-long style programm.
3atetris.zip 94/11/05 (93782) S3A Tetris (Shareware).
amazeing.zip 94/10/23 (11464) S3A Nice maze type game. Upto 4 human players.
artillary.zip 93/08/02 (3757) Multiplayer Game - Shoot them before they get you!
aswarm.tar 93/12/01 (20480) (as aswarm.zip but a tar image)
aswarm.zip 93/11/28 (7935) S3 Galaga / Space Invaders type game.
bangko.zip 94/08/22 (50962) S3A Bangkok dice game.
blitz.zip 94/09/24 (17477) S3A Building bombing game.
blkjck3a.zip 94/11/09 (11161) S3A Blackjack.
bom107.zip 93/03/30 (15220) Multi-level maze/puzzle game. (Shareware)
boxes.opo 93/03/30 (631) Wacky fun boxes?????????
chock-a.zip 94/03/09 (7606) S3 Choc-a-block arcade game (Share).
connect4.zip 94/08/31 (12166) S3A Create rows of 4 - Psion can play back (Share).
col211.zip 94/10/15 (34205) S3A shape clearing game, v2.11 (Share).
cribbage.zip 94/08/22 (20908) S3A Complete latest version of cribbage.
cswrds.zip 94/08/22 (9785) S3A Crossword editor/player.
fair21.zip 94/06/10 (89451) Golf game. (Shareware)
gamesc.zip 93/11/03 (1303) Codes for two games: Jumpy and Bomz
go.shar.Z 93/07/29 (11715) The game of GO (OPL)
hang.zip 94/01/21 (4009) S3 Hangman.
hr100.zip 94/01/16 (86816) S3A HomeRun Version 1.00 - Solitaire.
ilum1_1a.zip 94/01/20 (4789) S3A Illuminations flip areas to create a ring (Share).
infocom.zip 93/08/20 (26800) Interpreter for Infocom adventure games for S3.
infoplay.lzh 93/08/09 (17776) Infocom Adventure Player (Level 3 & 4).
info7c.zip 94/07/15 (29116) Infocom interpreter (uses less memory and has smaller save fil
jumpy.zip 93/03/05 (14975) S3 Video style game.
kapara10.zip 92/12/18 (3077) S3 Game of Kapara.
lander3.zip 94/03/14 (32814) S3A Arcade game, Land the spaceship (Share).
mines3.zip 93/07/07 (13823) Minesweeper is based on the game supplied with Windows v3.1
meteor11.zip 94/12/05 (13379) S3A navigate thru a meteor field, vers 1.1 (Share).
mineswp.zip 94/06/01 (7063) S3A Minesweeper - with 3A sounds support.
mont1a.zip 93/10/12 (10485) S3A Montana Patience V1.0 (Shareware)
nibbles.zip 94/10/15 (7855) Growing worm eats money - based on DOS game (src).
othello.zip 93/11/28 (6032) Othello game for the Series 3a
pegout.tar.gz 94/08/31 (3979) S3A version of the peg-game "Solitaire" (src).
pitch&p.zip 93/07/07 (15621) Pitch 'n' Putt, nice golf game.
pipe3a.txt 94/01/17 (679) Readme file for pipe3a.zip.
pipe3a.zip 94/07/26 (5410) Build pipes to let water flow (with source).
psiman13.zip 93/09/21 (10545) Cute little app based on "Little Computer People"
puzzle.opl 93/03/08 (4387) 15 squares puzzle.
quake.zip 94/05/09 (3335) S3A puzzle game - using the world map!
risk101a.zip 94/08/22 (31426) S3A Risk board game clone.
rocky131.zip 94/12/07 (14655) S3A Rockfall game, version 1.31.
s3poke.zip 93/11/01 (5376) Video poker game.
s3snake.zip 93/07/07 (6033) Stear the snake around the eating dots.
s3tank.zip 94/03/30 (11695) 3d Tank game.
sol.zip 94/02/18 (9352) SOL a solitaire game, with graphical cards.
solo.zip 93/03/08 (17772) S3 Solo 1.0 (Jan 93) : Solitaire.
tanka.zip 94/02/18 (8451) S3A Tank game.
tetris.zip 94/08/18 (6437) S3A Tetris game.
tron.zip 94/08/31 (11541) S3A 2-player eat dots game.
tnk3af.zip 93/11/03 (3991) Patch for the above game. *** Has been removed because defect
ynot100.zip 93/10/12 (23625) YNOT 5 dice game, traditional. (Shareware)
willy11.zip 94/12/09 (40247) S3A Platform style game, vers 1.1 (Share).